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Tota cosa sagrada ha d’ésser al seu lloc.
(declaració d’un indi pawnee recollida per Fletcher)

Un dels darrers projectes de l’arquitecte Rem Koolhaas consisteix en desmuntar una monumental sitja de gra típicament nord-americana per reconstruir-la, peça per peça, en terres europees, i així, un cop aixecada de nou, analitzar-ne les característiques i el funcionament en el Vell Continent.
Potser per compensar l’equilibri entre ambdós costats de l’Atlàntic, i malgrat que no existeix relació coneguda entre els dos projectes, Martin Kippenberger ha ideat instal·lar una de les característiques entrades art nouveau del metropolitain parisenc a qualsevol lloc d’alguna monòtona extensió glaçada de la península d’Alaska. El projecte ha quedat, de moment i com l’anterior, en comentari utòpic a revisar.
L’any 1992, i en aigües de l’Atlàntic, una expedició privada de submarinistes repescà els 1.800 objectes que van navegar quatre dies, i després naufragaren amb la tripulació i els viatgers del Titànic. Els hereus han tingut l’oportunitat de recuperar les humitejades pertinences familiars al cap de 80 anys d’imaginar-los en el fons de l’oceà. Abans, però, van haver de desembutxacar una modesta suma a la companyia subministradora, que podria cabussar-se de nou i rescatar els 47 vaixells de la corona britànica que provinents d’Egipte, carregats de sarcòfags i d’algunes mòmies, van anar a descansar al fons de la Mediterrània, molt abans d’amarrar a una sala del British Museum, o fer port a la cripta del 13 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, residència de Sir John Sloane. Si que desembarcaren a Londres, en canvi, els frisos del Partenó, periòdicament reclamats per les autoritats gregues, convençudes, només a mitges, que algun dia creuaran la mar en sentit de tornada. Més al sud, al nord de Lisboa, al costat d’un roc gegantí, hi ha un cartellet amb la següent llegenda: "Des de 1851, adorna els jardins de Sintra, residència estival dels monarques portuguesos, aquest roc que passejà les seves 14 tones al llarg del camí que, des de la llunyana Xina, el portà fins ací".
Sitges de gra, entrades del metropolitain, rellotges, joies i ferralla del Titànic, sarcòfags, mòmies, frisos del Partenó i un roc de 14 tones, a segles de distància, s’han desplaçat d’un lloc a un altre. L’anomenada civilització occidental ha il·lustrat l’enciclopèdia a base de portar el món a casa, i comprovar-ne les mesures. La ruta natural –ho sabem- va dels "Orients" a Occident. Koolhaas, en el cas citat, prefereix limitar-se a l’ampli escenari del propi Occident per dramatitzar-hi la història del fill pròdig (els EUA) de retorn a la casa d’Europa. Una odissea potser irònica, com l’acció de Kippenberger, que localitzant al desert de glaç l’entrada del metro parisien, en multiplica la càrrega cultural, aboleix tota idea funcional i apunta el viatge cap al no-lloc. Robert Smithson advertí d’alguns dels perills que es podien trobar en aquest trajecte: "Entre el lloc (site) i el no-lloc (non-site) podem caure en ‘llocs’ amb poca organització i sense direcció". En rigor, en els dos projectes esmentats el gest de trobar o desplaçar un lloc, tot i ésser important, no és central, és més aviat el desplaçament de l’objecte el que protagonitza l’acció. Un altre alemany, Wim Wenders, a Tokio-Ga, un film d’homenatge al mestre japonès Ozu, rodat amb una petita càmara portàtil, relatava un altre viatge que quasi és idèntic: al centre de Tòkio veiem una hàbil construcció de bigues metàl·liques reblonades de 300 m. d’alçada, una rèplica exacta, a escala real, de la Torre Eiffel, un doble clònic plantat en plena metròpoli japonesa, com un mirall colossal de cara a París. Una cosa fora de lloc, com aquesta imatge especular, cobra sempre estatut de realitat a Slumberland, el país dels somnis de Little Nemo, fundant un sistema lògic, tan veritable com qualsevol altra lògica. En un dels somnis, el dictador del planeta Mart instaura un règim de control omnipotent de les paraules, pel qual els ciutadans han de pagar una mena d’impost per cada cosa que volen dir. Cada mot té un preu i l’ús d’adjectius o de paraules sentimentals, doncs, esdevé completament prohibitiu. A Tòkio, el preu a pagar pel nom de la famosa torre els va decidir a canviar-lo: la Torre Eiffel de Tòkio es diu, lògicament, Torre Tòkio, el qual la fa substancialment diferent. Canvis de lloc, però també canvis de nom: dues coses que fan canviar les coses. Donem per bo el llarg camí que ens ha conduït fins aquí.
L’escultura, avui, pateix d’un nom fora de lloc, un nom que denota menys del que realment abasta, i que ens obliga a tancar-lo entre "cometes" més del que caldria. Avui, el lloc és múltiple, i cada habitació closa (encara) a l’interior d’una disciplina, condemnada a esgotar l’oxigen. Si el lloc de l’escultura, avui, és el lloc personal de les amalgames i dels desplaçaments, un lloc d’intensa confluència, el seu nom, desplaçat respecte d’ell mateix, no li correspon. Cal que s’hi apropi amb urgència i que s’estengui definitivament, amb un ús més ambiciós i obert. És a dir, que el nom es posi a lloc. Si al contrari, esdevé una càrrega, haurem de deixar caure el nom d’escultura, tancat, al fons de l’abisme. I trobar-ne un de nou.
Jordi Colomer. Barcelona, 1996

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Never give your password to a stranger: Trust is a delicate thing that takes a long time to build but only second to destroy. You may meet a sexy girl in poker room and you are friends with him/her. He/she will keep interacting with you days before playing her trick. So be carefull enough to protect your login credentials to yourself, else this may lead to disaster.

Be careful about what you download: Serious online gamers are looking for cheats or hacks for the games they play in order to give them an edge on their opponents. Poker is no different and there are many sites on the internet giving free downloads for facebook poker cheats and hacks for those brave enough to download and install them. But many of these so called facebook poker cheats have viruses or trojan programs. The moment you install any of these your computer is at the risk of attacks by the creator of the program. He can then have access to vital information that you access from your computer. Leaving your facebook poker account at risk of been hacked. If you never downloaded any of these programs then you’re probably safe, and if you have then you should run a spyware detection program. The best move will be for get your computer formatted to avoid any loop holes.

Phishing Links: This way of hacking has been thee for quite sometime now. Hackers send legitimate and official looking emails to your inbox. When you open them you are asked to click on the link and login in order to save your account or win free facebook poker chips, but in reality you are logging into a fake site that sends your information off to the scammer who made it. Before you find it out, its too late to react and they would have already broken into your account and emptied it of any facebook poker chips that you may have.

YouTube scams: If you do a search on youtube for facebook poker cheats, zynga poker hacks, or free facebook poker chips you’ll find hundreds of videos on the topic. More than 90% of them are made by idiots hoping to convince you to send them your account information. They range from slightly clever to completely moronic.

Image Photo Having Exe Embedded In it: This one is hard to catch. This is the latest fashion that is used by scammer, you will be asked to share family photo's. When you open their photo, that will innitiate an exe in the background which will steal all your information and send to the mastermind behin it. So be careful with whom you share photos.

Hope these tips help you saving your chips.

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Needful Adjustments

Moving up Christmas hunting a number of many weeks requires slightly adjustment, spending budget smart, especially for the duration of the 1st calendar year within the timetable alter. However it doesn't carry substantially to obtain used to it. Its just a matter of retaining to some set routine of placing just a bit money apart for reveals.

The Gift Conundrum

Apart from producing purchases throughout revenue, getting in bulk can conserve you quite a lot of money. Its usually great to break recipients into a couple of groups earliest - near loved ones, household, near pals, pals, colleagues - you receive the thought. Performing so permits you to organize your ordering more effective. That stated I only have two recipient groups - instant household and other people.

Obviously you'll need to purchase way more individual and thoughtful presents for those people today closer for you. But for far more generic presents, I recommend pack purchasing, that is just like pack hunting, only nicer.

Pack hunting right here suggests gathering a few of pals with comparable purchasing lists after which acquiring in bulk to carry benefit of economies of scale. I usually pack store with two other citizens in relation to generic presents. You might locate that you'll be able to get truly good presents like wine glasses at in fact wonderful costs whenever you pack store.

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t Some time in 1995 an American company called Deckers Corporation patented the term UGG and started manufacturing and marketing these Australian sheepskin boots through their subsidiary UGG Australia. Since then UGG shoes have become wildly popular among men and women of all ages around the world. The fact that these shoes from Australia do not try to conform to any trend pattern or rules of fashion have caught the imagination of discerning people around the world, and almost everybody is running to grab their pair of these unique footwear. The fact that the UGG boots sale has been popular around the world so long is one label that it is just a stable fashion boot trend. The outer sheepskin made of the boots is soft enough to be comfortable for the feet, yet durable enough to last. The real and cheap UGG boots also has functions well in both warm and cool weather, they fleece lining drawing any moisture away from the foot and keeping it insulated against cold or heat.. [url=http://www.uggsnowboottang.com/]outlet ugg boots[/url] Cheap UGG Boots are made from sheepskins with wool attached. The wool is tanned into the leather then embedded the boot. The soles are made from rubber, and the stitching is often prominent on the outside of the boots. Sheepskin footwear for kids comes in an exclusive variety of styles, colors and sizes to keep the little feet just as happy and comfort as big ones. Kid ugg boots are designed with finest suede and sheepskin with fleece lining for extreme comfort at all times. These boots feature ridged designed outsole for superior traction on all types of floors. Even though Uggs should not be worn through wet conditions, a little water can be used to cleanse them. However, Ugg-Australia boots should never be put into a washing machine, or cleaned with hot water, since both can cause permanent damage. To clean Ugg-Australian boots by hand, first dampen the boot or specific boot area with a soft sponge, brush, or cloth. [url=http://www.uggclearancetang.com]ugg boots clearance[/url] It may be summer or winter, girls never care; they wear what they wish to wear. And uggs is one such footwear that girls can stop wearing them. You can find girls wearing them not only for casual wear but also for party wear too. Lastly, when you settle on buying your boots from an online shop or auction web site you should view their return/replacement policy. You don't want to end up finding yourself stuck with some boots that you are not happy. Once again it would be wise to check out an online shop or internet site before you choose to buy a particular pair of boots to make certain that the vendor is respected..asking any one who owns a pair of sheepskin boot why to choose them Whats more, it continues adhering to the Italian exquisite workmanship and strict material selection. The inspiration of 2012 fall and winter series derived from the 1960s when rock legend figures congregated to pursue the pure faith and truth. Independence and inconsistent sharp fearless design were produced in the glorious era.

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The firm delivers 1 specific [url=http://muachungdeal.com/thoi-trang.html]hotdeal gia re[/url] for every operating working day in each of the markets it serves. The Groupon functions as an assurance contract employing ThePoint's program: if a particular assortment of people sign up for the supply, then the offer you gets presented to all if the predetermined minimal is not achieved, no one particular receives the offer that operating day. This decreases chance for retailers, who can take care of the price reduction codes as quantity discounts as properly as product sales advertising instruments. Groupon makes cash by keeping about half the money the buyer pays for the coupon.

For illustration, an $eighty therapeutic therapeutic massage could be bought by the buyer for $forty by means of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would crack up the $forty. That is, the retailer gives a therapeutic massage valued at $80 and receives around $twenty from Groupon for it (beneath a fifty%/50% split). Or, if $240 properly well worth of home painting organizations is purchased by the consumer for $50 via Groupon, then the business will get $twenty 5 and Groupon retains $twenty five. The consumer gets the massage, or the home portray assist, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they initially paid out out $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are specific corporations to which Groupon to commence with did not offer its answers, which consists of capturing ranges and strip golf products even so, taking pictures ranges have been showcased on Groupon.

Unlike labeled advertising, the service provider does not shell out any upfront expenditure to participate: Groupon collects individual details from ready customers and then contacts only these clients, primarily by day-to-working day e-mail, who could possibly be intrigued in a particular answer or help.

Groupon employs a enormous amount of copywriters who draft descriptions for the offers showcased by e mail and on the internet site. Groupon's advertising textual content material for the 'deals' has been observed as a contributing element to the acceptance of the internet site, that involves a exclusive combine of in depth basic simple fact-checking and witty humor.

Owing to Groupon's marketplace place turning out to be largely composed of woman buyers, the reductions are normally concentrated on the all round well being, actual physical fitness and magnificence marketplaces.

There are likely troubles with the business layout. For scenario in level, a effective supply could briefly swamp a tiny enterprise with as properly a great deal of purchasers, risking a probability that purchasers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be satisfactory product to meet up with the desire. Gap, a big attire retailer, was in a position to handle 445,000 price reduction discount codes in a nationwide offer (regardless of the reality that it seasoned server issues at 1 placement), but a scaled-down organization could become out of the blue flooded with consumers. One particular particular coffee retailer in Portland, Oregon struggled with an enhance in clients for 3 months, when it purchased shut to a single,000 Groupons on the one working day it was introduced, according to a single report. In response to connected problems, Groupon officers condition that 'deal' subscriptions ought to be capped in advance to a practical assortment.

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